​October 2024 - Africa Training Workshop in Development Economics
Theme: African development from the inside
Date: October 2 - 4, 2024
The workshop, will present new research approaches which try to understand African development on its own terms, rather than what it is not. Typical approaches see Africa as having failed to take advantage of the opportunities created by the modern world and as a failed version of western modernity. It is obvious, however, that African societies were on a different track historically, for example embracing far more decentralized political systems, different and non-expansionary models of international relations and a social role for economic institutions and property rights that was completely different from western societies. What types of societies were thus created? What were their success and failures? How have they survived the experience of colonialism and the post-colonial world? How do they impact modern Africa today and what are their implications? What alternatives and opportunities do they create which are outside the mainstream imaginary? What can Africa learn from getting its past and cultural uniqueness into proper perspective to create its own development path in the way East Asian societies have?
Each of the above topics will be accompanied by a discussion of econometric techniques useful to provide quantitative contents to the questions raised. More specifically, these techniques will cover some aspects of structural estimation methods and causal inference including presenting how to employ strategies for causal inference in the specific context. An emphasis will also be on the relevant literature at the intersection of causal inference, structural models and African development issues.
This is a graduate-level course for PhD students, scholars, and professionals (with at least a master’s degree).
Organizers: Ismael Mourifié (Washington University in Saint Louis)
Prosper Dovonon (Concordia University)
Format: Fully remote
Registration fees: 120 USD
Pierre Nguimkeu (Georgia State University)
James A. Robinson (University of Chicago).
October 2 - Lecture 1: African Development from the Inside out
Methodological Interlude #1: When is it OK to use OLS regression?
Methodological Interlude #2: Under what conditions do we have identification?
October 3 - Lecture 2: African Development and Western Expansion
Methodological Interlude #3: IV Regression. How do we exploit exogenous variations?
Methodological Interlude #4: Regression Discontinuity Design
October 4 - Lecture 3: African Development, challenges and futures
Methodological Interlude #5: Differences in Differences Design
Methodological Interlude #6: Theory and Structural Estimation
For more information click here
Important dates:
Deadline for application: August 2, 2024 - Extended to August 12, 2024
Admission decision: August 16, 2024
Registration open: TBA
Registration deadline: September 18, 2024
How to apply?
(*) All applicants must have active membership to the Econometric Society at the time of application. Africa-based students and young scholars who do not have financial support are eligible for a sponsored membership. To become member or to renew your membership, click here.
(*) Applicants shall provide a detailed CV and a cover letter (in pdf format), click here to apply.
​Note: Financial support for the workshop is available for underfunded Africa-based graduate students and junior researchers. You may apply by providing a letter of request and an ID proof of affiliation.
How to register?
For registration click here (will open soon)